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INTRAcel is the highest rated RF Microneedle Device according to users on Zalea

According to Zalea, the independent peer reviewed consumer rating service for medical devices, doctors using RF microneedle devices rated INTRAcel highest overall among 5 leading device models. INTRAcel received the highest comfort rating of 8.1/10, well above the second place Infini at 5.1/10. INTRAcel rated significantly higher in Overall Patient Satisfaction than all other systems.

  INTRAcel Infini ProFound Fractora Intensif
OVERALL Satisfaction 7.9/10 7.5/10 7.5/10 7.2/10 6.3/10
Marketing Claims 7.7 8.3 8.0 8.5 7.2
Peer Reviewed Literature 6.6 7.7 6.0 7.0 6.0
Consistancy of Results 8.6 8.4 8.5 8.8 7.6
Comfort Level 8.1 5.1 3.3 3.5 4.2
Overall Satisfaction 8.4 7.8 8.0 8.0 6.4
Full Review intracel infiniskin  profound fractora  intensif
  Numerous sessions needed to achieve optimum results.
Need for topical anesthesia.
Things You should know: There is downtime with increased depth of needle penetration. There is some pain with increased depth of needle penetration.
Have realistic expectation established for tone and texture improvement.
Will usually need 3-4 treatments. With topical anesthetic is relatively painless.
Some pain and discomfort during the procedure.
Requires very effective topical anesthetic and cooling to control pain.
Things You should know: Limited results for older and excessively photo-damaged skin patients.
Redness for 3 days.
Need for 3-5 treatments.
There is a risk of bruising, possibility of pain without appropriate anesthesia .
Need to completely anesthetize the skin; although that makes it painless, it means additional bruising and swelling.
Requires injected anesthesia. Some patients, especially with thin skin, may develop dermal papules that may take up to 10 weeks to resolve.
Length of office procedure (treatment time plus the numbing phase required)
A least 1 week of down time due to swelling and bruising
Treatment results are highly technique dependent
Results are not dramatic
Things You should know: It does not equate to a surgical result (face lift)
Treatment results can vary
Good to combine with CO2 laser treatment
Make sure patient can tolerate multiple needle sticks
Skin tightening will take 2-4 months. There is moderate downtime of a few days
High energy treatments are best done under a 20-minute sedation.
Normal treatments can be painful, good numbing technique is required.
During the 24-72 hour post-treatment recovery period, patients will have small pin-prick holes that will gradually heal. Patient will need to apply a non-petrolatum dressing to protect their skin.
Patients with cystic acne might observe a transient outbreak of whiteheads (closed comedones) because of the occlusive dressing.
Things You Should Know: A full face treatment takes about 30 minutes so including the numbing time, the patient should expect the office visit to be about an hour and 30 minutes.
Pre-treatment sun tan is without risk.
Minimal post procedure protocol.
The improvement is gradual as new collagen is formed.
Procedure requires topical anesthesia to be comfortable otherwise the procedure can be uncomfortable.
Multiple treatments are required to achieve maximum results. More aggressive treatments require about one week of recovery time. 

Skin needs to be thin to respond, so best for thin skin on the neck; patients with small faces; superficial wrinkles and superficial to moderate acne scars.
Results can be subtle and it doesn’t work on everyone.
Things You should know: 3-5 treatments necessary. treatments at 4-week intervals.
Not for deep scars or wrinkles.
Procedure has some downtime.
Results can be variable.
3 months to see final results.